Top 10 VR Influencers on Twitter
Virtual Reality is the next internet. Watch technology’s history unfold in real time on Twitter right now. Check out the top 10 Must-Follow Virtual Reality Influencers of 2017.
#1. Ryan A. Bell
- Founder of Summit.Live
- Head of Studios at VRScout
Ryan A Bell is a digital storyteller, connecter & tech lover in Live Streaming and Virtual Reality. As Head of Studio at VRScout Ryan is an ambassador and connector for the community and overseas relationships bridging the gap between technology and traditional film. As Founder of Summit.Live, the world’s largest conference centered around nontraditional media, his team bridges entertainment and technology with the mentality of bringing the world together to innovate, connect and educate. Definitely worth the follow!
#2. Benjamin Lang
- Co-founder & Executive Editor of RoadtoVR
Ben has spent the last several years actively documenting and promoting the industry as it experiences an explosive resurgence, leading Road to VR to become the leading publication in the virtual reality industry. He has been recognized among the most influential voices in the VR landscape.
#3. Bruce Wooden
- Co-Founder and Head of Experience of AltspaceVR
Bruce Wooden is the Head of Experience at AltspaceVR — a virtual reality software company building a shared VR communications platform. He is known by his alias Cymatic Bruce, a VR evangelist, and developer. During that role, he co-founded Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (now with over 4000 members and an annual conference); contributed articles and content to the #1 Virtual Reality news site; and hosted a regular show on VR experiences (SundayVR with Cymatic Bruce).
#4. Tony Parisi
- Virtual Reality OG
- Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor
Tony Parisi is actually an OG of VR. Tony is the co-creator of the VRML and X3D ISO standards for networked 3D graphics, and the new 3D file format standard for WebGL and OpenGL applications for desktop and mobile, VR, AR and more. If you are looking to learn more about Tony and his endeavors you should check out his blog. He posts “Real-Time Rants, Reflections and Ruminations on building an immersive web by a VR OG.”
#5. Sanem Avcil
- Founder of Coolo Games
- Top 10 AR — VR Influencers
Sanem is a well-rounded Influencer in the field of technology, specifically Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. This Techpreneur has over 40,000 followers on twitter and frequently informs her followers about all of the things in the technology world like #Iot#AR#VR#Technology#Ai #Gif#robotics
#6. Kent Bye
- Host of Voices of VR Podcast
- Portland VR Meetup Founder
Kent Bye is a well rounded VR professional. Kent is the host of one of the highest rated podcasts, Voices of VR. He also contributes to RoadtoVR frequently. Above all, Kent is writing a book “The Ultimate Potential of VR” it’s comes out 2017 learn more at Worked as a Project manager, ScrumMaster, training video director & podcast producer at two world-premiere Drupal development shops for the past 4 1/2 years. Five years of systems engineering experience working on the F-22 raptor, and over ten years of video and audio production experience.
#7. Rob Crasco
- Virtual Reality Influencer / Evangelist / Entrepreneur
- “Virtually Everything” YouTube Channel
Virtual Reality, Virtual World & 360 Video Influencer / Evangelist / Entrepreneur. Named #5 VR influencer by Brand/Influencer Connector. Contributing Author on VRScout VR and related promotion on Twitter. (6500+ followers) Background in computer science and marketing, worked for AT&T, Ziplink, News Corp, and iBasis.
#8. Sam Watts
- Operations Lead at make[REAL]
- Game Producer for Tammeka
Sam Watts is living the VR life. This UK based VR Evangelist has quite the portfolio. Sam states in his profile that “We create and make exciting VR experiences that bring serious fun to learning, training, and development as well as consumer gaming products.” Feel free to check out Sam’s page for a full list of all of the interviews, podcasts, quotes, and blog posts he has created or taken part in.
#9. Malia Probst
- Co-Founder of Reality Inspired VR
- Host of the Real Virtual Show
- Brand Director at VRScout
Malia Probst is quite the versatile VR entrepreneur and connector. You can tell Malia is a terrific human being because of the first two words in her Twitter bio. On her show “Real Virtual Show” she hosts and incubates conversations about VR/AR with the leaders of the industry. If you are interested in listening to a fantastic and informative podcast session we highly recommend VR Scout’s 40th End-of-Year wrap up episode where they discuss The Best of 2016 of VR.
#10. Rick King
- VR Developer
- Unity 3D Programmer
Rick King is an avid tweeter. He most often tweets about technology, games, and most of all #VirtualReality. He’s a Technology Consultant, Graphic Designer, Musician, Composer, Software Programmer, Mobile Application, Unity 3D Programmer, and Virtual Reality Developer.
If you would like to see our full updated list of the Top 15 VR Influencers then please check out our article here.
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