Best Brussel Sprouts Ever (10 mins + $1.05)
I love cooking.
It’s an artistic form of expression that requires all of your senses and some serious critical thinking and timing skills.
I started cooking October of 2016. All of my friends that have tried my food always tell me..
“this is the best food I’ve ever had in my life.”
….most times.
I went from someone who has literally never cooked before in his entire life to a forever learning cooking machine.
I continuously improve my skills and I know that cooking is a lifetime skill.
Next month I may even say —
“Remember my cooking last month? Man I sucked back then.”
I am a permanent beta cook. Always learning, always adapting.
I highly recommend the book The 4-Hour Chef by Tim Ferriss.
This is my first cooking piece on Medium. I’ll give this a shot and hopefully teach you a few things as well as learn from some of you as well.
I try to focus my cooking efforts into three categories.
- Best Wholesome Ingredients
- Affordable Pricing
- Least amount of time possible
That’s enough preamble. Let’s get cooking.
Best Brussel Sprouts Ever
(Approximately 10 mins and will cost you around $1)
This is what I use. Feel free to change up what you want
- Organic Brussel Sprouts
- Organic Spinach
- Whole All Natural Almonds
- Sharp Cheddar Cheese
- Grass Fed Kerrygold Butter
- Olive Oil
- Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
- Black Peppercorns
- Cayenne Powder
- Thyme
- Garlic
Step 1.
- Grab a Pan and set the heat on Medium.
- Wash your Brussel Sprouts and Spinach.
- Chop the Brussel Sprouts in half.
Step 2.
- Pour Olive Oil in Pan (some but not a pool of oil)
- Toss in the Brussel Sprouts
- Add a few ounces of water.
- Allow Brussel Sprouts to cook for 5–7 minutes.
- Toss the Sprouts around every 2–3 minutes.
Step 3.
- Place a decent handful of Spinach in the pan.
- Drizzle the Spinach with a little Olive Oil.
- Push the spinach around with the Brussel Sprouts continuously.
- Do this for 1 minute.
Step 4.
- Add 1–2 Tbsp of Butter accompanied with a bit of Garlic and Thyme.
- Mix the butter with the Sprouts/Spinach.
- Add Almonds (halved)
- Add Sharp Cheddar Cheese.
- Crack some Salt, Black Pepper and Cayenne Powder.
- Lightly mix the Pan for a few more seconds.
Step 5.
- Serve the food.
- Eat the food.
- Recommend and comment on this article.